There are numerous factors which must be taken into account when putting a monetary value on a claim of personal injury. The compensation has to cover a lot of things; including the initial medical costs of the injured party, the damaged property, as well as the loss of income.
Courts will often award compensation on damages which are difficult to give a monetary value to. Some of these things are pain and suffering; emotional distress; strains on the family and relationships; and loss of social experiences.
Some people deal with individuals or insurance companies when making claims. Whether you are dealing with the latter or the former, you need to determine how best to proceed and if you can proceed on your own or if you need to hire the services of a lawyer.
Settling a claim without a lawyer
More than fifty percent of personal injury cases today are caused by vehicular accidents. Insurance companies have a protocol to follow when handling claims of personal injury. It is important for individuals to familiarize themselves with the process so they will become active and informed participants when settling cases.
Most people typically do not have any insurance backgrounds so it is necessary to ask questions about the company’s policies and process. Home accidents can often be settled with3out the help of a lawyer. When filing a claim, get some information about the insurance company’s claims process so are completely aware of the things which you should expect.
It might take some time for the adjuster to review all the information submitted so keep the communication open with phone calls and emails. Always negotiate an amount which is fair but you should also reaiize that claims adjusters often have a small amount of flexibility when offering claims amounts.
Working with a personal injury lawyer
Ask friends and acquaintances if they can recommend any personal injury lawyer. References are the best way to find a good lawyer who can help you with your case. Meet the lawyer for an initial consultation. Most lawyers offer free initial consultations.
This is a good time for you to ask questions in order to find out if the lawyer is the best one for you. Keep in mind that you are hiring a lawyer to perform a service for you so you must be confident of his or her abilities. You are hiring a lawyer to win a case, not to lose it.
Not all lawyers have the same skills and abilities. Some are better than others and they also do not charge the same fees. Some have cheaper rates while others have more expensive rates. Before you hire an attorney, you must make sure that he or she and the firm he belongs to have handled cases which are similar to yours. An ideal lawyer offers competitive fees and has a track record of winning cases. The lawyer has to have experience, expertise and an exemplary track record. You will be able to sleep better at night with a lawyer like this.